Prada Group and UNFPA expand Fashion Expressions program to Mexico
Ahead of International Women’s Day, Prada Group and UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, in a significant step towards fostering positive social change through fashion, announce the expansion of their First-In-Kind fashion training program “Fashion Expressions: The Stories She Wears” to Mexico.
The project, which leverages fashion as a catalyst to promote women’s empowerment and sexual reproductive health, involves 30 women artisans in Querétaro state, from indigenous and surrounding communities with experience in weaving and embroidery, to strengthen their technical, artistic, and financial skills. Originally launched in 2021, the same initiative successfully equipped 43 participants in Ghana and Kenya with knowledge and practical skills relevant to the fashion industry and facilitated industrial attachments and employment opportunities for trainees with local fashion houses.
The expansion of the project into Mexico was initiated in September 2023 with a select group of mothers, between ages 18-50, supporting their families. They are skilled embroiderers and weavers who are seeking opportunities to strengthen their production techniques and marketing skills. Before joining the program, the artisans selected were working independently, operating their businesses under family models, in small workshops from their homes, usually with their children. They earn an income by selling their crafts at local markets in Querétaro.
Before joining the program, the artisans selected were working independently, operating their businesses under family models, in small workshops from their homes, usually with their children. They earn an income by selling their crafts at local markets in Querétaro. Through a 6-month series of training sessions and workshops, this project will provide women with technical skills and resources that will not only equip them with knowledge but also empower them to make informed decisions about their sexual and reproductive health, as well as help showcase their unique cultural heritage. The training will be followed by an opportunity for industrial attachments under the leadership and guidance of experienced fashion professionals.
In addition to utilizing the technical skills of fashion, the program, in collaboration with local implementing partner Nest, a nonprofit organization working to advance gender equity and economic inclusion of artisans, will equip participants with business development skills and financial literacy through budgeting, sales, and merchandising, to further support their entrepreneurial endeavors and foster economic independence. Upon completion, the participants will have the opportunity to tap into Nest’s library of business development resources specifically designed to assist them with their entrepreneurial endeavors and establishing handicraft businesses within their communities.