HARMAY helping with autism awareness in Shanghai

June 18th encompassed more than just promotional offers and discounted prices; it was also observed as World Autism Pride Day. HARMAY, a warehouse style new retail brand, had proactively prepared for this significant occasion since Children's Day on June 1st. In collaboration with the esteemed Shanghai Ai Xing Jia Yuan Children's Rehabilitation Center, they engaged the talents of artist Liu Zhongjia. Together, they employed the expressive technique of fluid painting to artfully unveil the intricate inner worlds and imaginative marvels of children diagnosed with autism.

The offline art exhibition will be running until June 30th, accompanied by ongoing initiatives such as point donation campaigns and the sale of HARMAY's charitable preserved plums. Furthermore, the brand has unveiled a unique and limited-edition T-shirt called "Child·HUA," where each shirt is crafted using 15 empty HARMAY plum bottles, transforming them into remarkable "skins" imbued with extraordinary abilities.

Seizing this opportunity, the brand seeks to deconstruct the consumer implications of the 618 shopping event while maintaining an ongoing advocacy for the autism community. It urges a collective consumer focus on the autism community, aiming to dispel prejudices and foster a harmonious and nurturing environment for their development. By leveraging festival marketing, HARMAY's preserved plums effectively align with their brand's vision of supporting the autism community, simultaneously cultivating a responsible social image and elevating brand recognition and reputation.


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