Cainiao unveils an updated "Green Logistics" plan for Double 11

This year's Double 11, Cainiao will reintroduce the "Green Logistics" plan at every Cainiao post station nationwide. In addition to the continuous recycling of express packaging as in previous years, clothing, shoes, and used books can also be recycled. To encourage more consumers to participate in green recycling activities, Cainiao has upgraded from the previous box-back-for-eggs program to a new program where consumers receive recycling bonuses for participating in activities. From November 1st to the 20th, consumers can receive recycling bonuses for leaving their express packaging at Cainiao post stations, scanning QR codes on-site or making commitments to return the boxes via the Cainiao app, as well as for making online appointments to recycle old clothes.

To expand the reach of this campaign, Cainiao has also partnered with nearly 50 domestic brands to form the "Domestic Brands Green Decrement Team," inviting users to participate in the recycling of express packaging during Double 11. In addition, Cainiao has teamed up with nearly 100 universities nationwide, including Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Sichuan University, and Tianjin University, to launch the "Campus Carbon Asset Management System." Faculty and students can now view their participation in green recycling in real-time, and are encouraged to participate in green recycling activities at campus Cainiao post stations.

Recycled express packaging is reused or repurposed. At Cainiao post stations, nearly half of the express packages that consumers send out will use recycled old express packaging. If the packaging cannot be reused, it is pulped and turned into workbooks, which are then donated to elementary schools by public welfare organizations.

The “Green Logistics” plan necessitates the involvement of society. Cainiao will persist in rendering recycling more accessible and user-friendly to a wider population, employing diverse strategies. Additionally, Cainiao will persist in employing logistics expertise and digital systems to bolster green recycling initiatives.


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Next launches Green Impact Initiative for Double 11 to promote sustainable consumption