New categories on sustainability open for Dezeen Awards 2023
©Dezeen Awards 2023
Dezeen Awards 2023 is open for entries with a range of new categories that focus on innovation, sustainability, and creativity that will showcase the very best in design talent from around the world, including adding a category for sustainable renovations and retrofits, as well as sustainable building products to reward cutting-edge products where the innovation delivers carbon reduction or improved climate resilience.
Also new for 2023 is a material innovation category. Products that have made an outstanding contribution to material development can be entered, for example, those that significantly reduce embodied carbon or by using circular economy principles where waste is designed out and materials are re-used, or new materials that could shape the future of construction, interiors, and design.
Besides, health and wellbeing categories have been extended across all three of our sectors: architecture, interiors, and design, which will celebrate innovative projects that contribute to the improvement of people's physical, mental, and emotional health.