Tencent takes steps to make its office building more bird-friendly

Shenzhen is taking impressive steps to make its urban landscape more bird-friendly. As part of this endeavor, the city has introduced specially designed stickers on glass building façades to prevent bird collisions, and it has also implemented nighttime light restrictions to ensure a more tranquil environment for its avian inhabitants. Tencent, a prominent tech giant in the city, has taken a pioneering role in tackling the pressing issue of bird collisions. In a commendable move, the company has pasted wave-point stickers to the glass exterior of its Binhai Building in Nanshan District. The initiative serves to prevent birds from accidentally colliding with the building.

To encourage more businesses to take similar actions in bird collision prevention, Tencent has made available a toolkit via the “观鸟君” WeChat miniprogram. The toolkit includes anti-bird collision designs, relevant parameters, and manufacturing processes for reference. The mini program also provides information for citizens who come across injured birds, guiding them on rescue methods or helping them contact a rescue team.


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