Coca-Cola released its 2023 Sustainability Report

Recently, Coca-Cola released its 2023 Sustainability Report, showcasing their progress on ESG principles and actions across three key areas - Planet, Product, and People.

Strides were made in the environment area, with 26% of Coca-Cola's core power sourced from renewable energy, 99% of primary packaging recyclable, and significant reductions in climate, water, and waste emissions.

Product-wise, the share of low-sugar and sugar-free Coca-Cola products has grown, and the energy efficiency of new cold beverage equipment has improved by 50%. They've also continued their sustainable development initiatives in product selection and procurement.

Lastly, in corporate management, Coca-Cola has achieved a 32% female managerial workforce and has maintained their corporate social giving and employee volunteering activities. They're committed to furthering sustainable development for "Our Choice, Our Future!".


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