Chinese scientists develop revolutionary knittable fiber inspired by polar bear fur

©Xinhua News

A groundbreaking innovation in the world of textiles has emerged from the laboratories of Chinese scientists at Zhejiang University, as they unveil a knittable fiber inspired by the thermal properties of polar bear fur. The team's remarkable breakthrough, published in the journal Science, introduces an encapsulated aerogel fiber, offering exceptional thermal insulation while maintaining durability and adaptability for advanced textile applications.

Traditionally, aerogel fibers lacked the requisite strength and flexibility for weaving into fabrics, often losing their insulating capabilities in moist conditions. Drawing inspiration from the distinctive fur of polar bears, renowned for effectively preserving warmth and dryness, the researchers mimicked the porous core and dense shell structure found in the bears' hair.

By replicating the core-shell architecture, the scientists successfully engineered a robust aerogel fiber with lamellar pores, effectively trapping infrared radiation near the skin. This design not only retained thermal insulation properties but also demonstrated remarkable mechanical resilience, enabling the fiber to be knitted or woven into fabrics.

The innovative fiber was put to the test in a thin sweater prototype, outperforming expectations. Despite being merely one-fifth the thickness of a conventional down jacket, the knitted garment exhibited thermal insulating performance comparable to its bulkier counterpart.

The researchers assert that this breakthrough opens doors to multifunctional aerogel fibers and textiles, promising a myriad of possibilities for future developments in clothing design and manufacturing. These chitosan-derived aerogel fibers are not only mechanically robust but also perform admirably during dyeing and washing processes, overcoming previous limitations.


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