China's First Mycelium Meat to Launch This Year


Shredded Chicken Alternative made with 70/30 Tech’s Biomass Protein

©70/30 Tech


70/30, a Shanghai-based mycelium protein company, is ready to launch its vegan shredded chicken in China. It is the first time in China that the new vegan chicken shreds were made from biomass fermented protein—Mycelium.

Mycelium is the root structure of mushrooms, which is being used for meat, leather, and other sustainable applications. Companies can use mycelium for vegan chicken and steak, or use mycelium to produce a leather alternative. Some sustainable designers also use mycelium as vegan leather to make clothes or handbags.


©70/30 Tech


Even if mycelium is scant in Asia, Asian consumers are actually eager to try vegan protein. 70/30 has sold more than 25,000 ready meals featuring its mycelium meat in 2021 during a pilot test launch. A report by Euromonitor also outlines the vegan food market in China is forecast to be worth nearly $12 billion by next year, up from just under $10 billion in 2018.


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