Biolution invites consumers to experience Life Without Plastic

On December 16th, Biolution, a research and development brand, held an offline pop-up activity called "Plastic Elimination Experience Station" at Raffles City Changning in Shanghai, aiming to popularize the health hazards of microplastics and showcase professional probiotic solutions. The event attracted numerous consumers and environmentalists. The activity sparked meaningful discourse on contemporary lifestyles.

The "Plastic Elimination Experience Station" pop-up activity in this Biolution city utilized an 8-meter-tall inflatable human-shaped inflatable film, a giant coffee cup, and a takeaway box filled with microplastics to visually demonstrate the harm of plastic products to the human body, calling on the public to embrace a plastic-free and healthy lifestyle. With the development of the market, the fast-paced lifestyles of urban dwellers, such as constant coffee consumption and frequent takeaway orders, have become the norm for urban professionals. However, a study reveals that, based on the average content of microplastics in containers and the average consumption frequency of office professionals like them, individuals can ingest 12-203 pieces of microplastics weekly through takeaway containers.

During the event, Biolution incorporated various activities to help attendees understand the impact of microplastics on daily life. These activities included pulling plastic balls out from coffee cups using magnets and unearthing microplastics from takeout boxes with giant chopsticks. The 8-meter high plastics man interaction device attracted young kids, allowing them to peel microplastics out of the giant plastics man. The Q&A session was also engaging. At the same time, the online and offline conversations around topics such as "#Eating A Bank Card Every Week" and "#Microplastics" were also very lively.


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