COP27 announces Fashion Industry Target Consultation to strive towards a net-positive industry
At COP27, the Global Fashion Agenda (GFA) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) announced the launch of The Fashion Industry Target Consultation.
The Fashion Industry Target Consultation aims to identify existing industry-aligned targets to reduce environmental and social impact. These key areas, according to the Fashion CEO Agenda, are respectful and secure work environments, better wage systems, resource stewardship, smart material choices, and circular systems.
The fashion and textiles industry is responsible for some 300 million jobs globally, which support vital livelihoods, but also creates significant social and labour risks for workers. Meanwhile, if the fashion industry continues its current trajectory, it will fall short of the decarbonisation targets required to conform with the UNFCCC’s 1.5-degree pathway by 50%. The fashion value chain also has a significant impact on ecosystems through land use, resource use and through pollution. Progress demands a holistic route in order to respect planetary sustainability, provide dignified work and protect the human rights of these many millions of people and their communities.
Not only will the Consultation work to improve the aforementioned targets, but it will also form new goals that are currently being overlooked, such as purchasing practices and circular design. The main target is to establish a clear path towards a net-positive fashion industry.
This scheme will be a multi-stakeholder project led by GFA - a non-profit organisation that fosters industry collaboration on sustainability – in addition to UNEP, which will be drawing on the expertise of the United Nations.