adidas joins Canopy forest initiatives

Adidas announced they are joining CanopyStyle and Pack4Good initiatives to ensure their textiles, paper, and paper packaging are free of fibre sourced from climate-critical forests. This commitment will also help adidas to move to low-carbon and circular Next Gen alternatives for these products.

Forests are critical to keeping the planet livable and are one of our greatest resources in the battle to stabilize our climate. Yet, every year, over 3.4 billion trees are cut down for fabrics like viscose and rayon, and paper packaging.

Along with committing to changing the game by ensuring they are not sourcing their packaging or viscose from the world’s Ancient and Endangered Forests, adidas is also exploring greater adoption of Next Gen Solutions, such as using discarded clothing to make viscose, normally landfilled, or agricultural residues, often burned, to make paper packaging. These sources offer two brilliant solutions – they reuse waste that our planet has far too much of while taking the pressure off vital forests – which are planet needs more of. adidas is also working to increase the use of recycled materials for their paper packaging and will be sourced from FSC-certified forests when virgin forest fibre is used.


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