November Reports Released
©Corinne Kutz via Unsplash
For the past month, companies including APEC China Business Council and Boston Consulting Group, GoldenBee and SDG Solutions, The Institute of Finance and Sustainability, Huawei etc. released their latest reports and findings on sustainability and corporate social responsibility.
APEC China Business Council and Boston Consulting Group released A Practical Guide to Chinese Business' Sustainable Development, with cases on green development in China.
ELIX Polymers, a subsidiary of Sinochem International, presented its 2021 Sustainability Report, which mainly describes the progress made by ELIX Polymers in promoting a circular economy for plastics and mitigating climate change, as well as its efforts in consolidating and building a more socially responsible supply chain.
GoldenBee and SDG Solutions released Tackling climate change for a sustainable future, a report on Chinese corporations' actions on stimulating sustainable consumption in China
Good Growth Co, released market research for sustainable and ethical food systems in Asia, focusing on how familiar Chinese consumers are with plant-based meat.
Huawei released the Huawei Terminal 2022 Sustainable Development Report on the occasion of the Huawei Developer Conference 2022 (Together).
Smart officially released its first sustainable development report, focusing on smart's sustainable development strategy and action plan. It promised to provide carbon-neutral pure electric vehicles to the market by 2045.
SynTao Sustainability Solutions and WildAid released Public Climate Action Handbook in Chinese to encourage the general public to act on climate change
The Institute of Finance and Sustainability released Towards Zero Carbon Recycle: Industrial Internet's Contribution to Carbon Neutrality report
Yibin Grace Co., Ltd. (Hereinafter referred to as Grace) released The Sustainability Report 2021, which sets out ideas, strategies, and practices for the sustainable development of Grace in 2021.