Tmall launches an upcycled ads campaign with recycled poster materials from the Singles' Day Sale


The carbon footprint generated by discarded advertising banners is often overlooked. As a leading e-commerce platform, Tmall has keenly observed this issue and took this year's Singles' Day Sale as an opportunity to launch a unified collection of tens of thousands of square meters of advertising banners after the promotion. Adhering to the principle that "garbage is a resource misplaced," Tmall logically proceeded to transform these discarded advertising banners. With a circular mindset of turning waste into value, Tmall has given new life to these discarded banners by transforming them into handmade art pieces that added a unique aesthetic value to the cause of environmental protection.

Tmall has invited the Fiber and Space Art Studio of the China Academy of Art to weave the recycled advertising banners collected during the Double 11 promotion into an art installation. The collaboration between the two parties visually showcases Tmall's sustainable concept. Meanwhile, in a special advertising exhibition called "Tmall Advertising Banner Creative Product Exhibition Wall" held at a subway station in Hangzhou, Tmall has teamed up with art creators, handicraftsmen, and a large number of brands on the platform to create thousands of art pieces using discarded advertising banners from the Singles' Day Sale promotion.

To further expand the reach of the "Tmall Recycling Advertising Plan" and break through the boundaries of different social circles to raise public awareness, Tmall has conducted a special "new release" on both Weibo and Xiaohongshu. They have transformed "100,000 tons" of discarded advertising banners into "Advertising Banner Upcycling Material Kits". Under the trending hashtag #WhyDoContemporaryYoungPeopleLikeToPickUpTrash, Tmall has called on everyone to share their ideas for upcycling discarded advertising banners or to apply for a material kit to turn their own waste materials into unique artwork.


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