Exploring Urban Oasis with B Corps China's City Walk

On August 15th, the National Ecology Day in China, B Corps China teamed up with klee klee & friends, BottleDream, HowBottle, and DENTREE to host a collaborative event that led participants on a journey through urban oases. Inviting city dwellers to step out of their office corners and explore a different side of the concrete jungle, the event aimed to ignite urbanites' attention to ecological matters and inspire reflections on environmentally friendly lifestyles in their daily urban routines.

The event kicked off on a summer afternoon, with participants first indulging in unique Tibetan coffee and learning about the deep collaboration between sustainable fashion brand klee klee & friends and the women weavers of the Dulong River. They also experienced the rich functionality and community care of the BottleDream social hub.

At HowBottle's green studio, participants learned how to transform plastic bottles into "sustainable fashion" bags and engaged in hands-on recycling and remanufacturing of waste materials. The day concluded at DENTREE, the world's first carbon-neutral bar, where attendees witnessed the concept of "organic symbiosis" woven into every aspect of the bar, from architecture to food, operations, and service.

In a previous Earth Month initiative in April, B Corps orchestrated a 12-day pop-up event that immersed consumers in immersive stories of sustainable brands and the planet. Leveraging the current trend of City Walk, B Corps, in collaboration with sustainable brands, provided participants with an alternative perspective on urban observation through a day of city exploration. The event allowed participants to experience "sustainable development" firsthand, offering a tangible encounter with the allure of ecological preservation through active engagement.


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